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  阀门试验台/VALVE TEST BENCH >> JP-QT100阀门试验台  

Test Equipment for Ball valve DN15-100

DN15-100球阀试验台 (数显全自动型)


1.   Test principle检测原理


Ball valve is tested for:球阀进行如下检测 

a.    Pressure test with AIR inside 24 bar. Duration 30 sec after pressure reach 24 bar.

强度检测:24 bar。保压时间:30秒。 

b.    Leakage test with AIR inside 6 bar. From left to right. Duration 30 sec no bubbles.

右密封试验:6 bar。保压时间:30秒。 

c.    Leakage test with AIR inside 6 bar. From right to left. Duration 30 sec no bubbles.

左密封试验:6 bar。保压时间:30秒。 


2.   Observation观察


a.    Pressure test with AIR inside 24 bar.

a. 24 bar 强度检测 

Valve is open. Test equipment door or cover must be closed (without closing door not allowed start testing).

Water pump should fill the water in the open chamber. In parallel fill AIR pressure 24 bar inside the valve. All together should take not more than 30 sec. After stabilisation follow 15 sec visual inspection.

打开被测阀门,设备门必须为关闭状态(门开启时,不允许进行检测),24 bar气压上升时,水泵也必须开启向容腔内注水, 以上两者必须在30秒内完成,然后目测15秒。

b.    Leakage test with AIR inside 6 bar. From left to right.

b.    6 bar 右密封检测 

       Valve is closed. Test door is open.

Fill in Air pressure from left side 6 bar. Slowly open valve in order to see bubbles on small observation glass with water. After that close the valve and wait until valve stop leaking. In 30 second observe leakage, no bubbles in 30 sec.


c.    Leakage test with AIR inside 6 bar. Repeat procedure of testing from right to left.



3.   Equipment features设备概述


Water chamber should be from stainless steel.


Door window should be made out of hardened glass in order to protect worker in case of leakage and broken valve.


Each side should be equipped with precise manometers 0-60 bar D100 mm.

必须安装有两只60bar D100mm的精确压力表。 

Valve fixture on one side should be fixed and another movable in order to cover length of valves from DN15-100.


Valve tightening fixture is special for each DN and should be easily replaceable.


For each Valve DN should be make special seat in order to position valve in the centre of fixture.


Valve should be tighten with O ring rubber with max. 25% compression.


Force for tightening should be calculated in a way to withstand internal pressure of 24 bar and DN100 valve dimension.  Preferably should be used pneumatic cylinders.

固定被测阀门的力必须经过计算,需满足24bar DN100的阀门要求。顶紧需用气缸来实现。


  点击数:25761  录入时间:2007-3-20 【打印此页】 【返回  


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